
The Adviser on International Economic Affairs (Feis) to Mr. H. D. White, Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury (Morgenthau)

My Dear Mr. White: Replying to the questions presented in your letter of October 7, 1943 regarding the types of currencies to be used in the friendly countries in Europe and the conditions under which they would be employed, the views of this Department are as follows:

As regards the conditions under which the American and British Governments should accept local currencies for use during the stage of military occupation, this Department is entirely willing to be guided by the views of the Treasury and the War Department, and will accept whatever decision they make on the point at issue.
This Department is in accord with the proposal contained in your letter for the use in France of an Allied military franc similar to the Allied military lire, except for the name of the country, name of the currency, and the designation “Emis en France”. It is of the opinion that in the absence of important military considerations to the contrary, the Supreme Allied Commander will wish to consult with the French military authorities concerning the use and character of this military currency.

This Department is of the opinion that the issuing authority of any currency utilized should be the Supreme Allied Commander and would be prepared to accept if so desired an Allied military currency issued by the Supreme Allied Commander for the British, United States and French military forces comprising the task force in the liberation of France.

Sincerely yours,

Herbert Feis