Mr. H. D. White, Assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury (Morgenthau), to the Adviser on International Economic Affairs (Feis)
Washington, June 28,
Dear Mr. Feis: I am transmitting herewith a copy of a memorandum sent to the Secretary of the Treasury by the Norwegian Embassy [Page 1040] and a copy of a letter to the Secretary by the Belgian Minister of Finance.18
Very truly yours,
H. D. White
- Latter not printed; the Belgian Minister of Finance (Camille Gutt) stated in part: “Confirming my conversations with Mr. Bell, I wish to advise you of the fact that my government has deposited with the Bank of England, in agreement with the British Treasury, for use in Belgium by any expeditionary force (British or American), an amount of 750 million Belgian francs in notes. The object of this is to make available to the military authorities upon landing the amount of Belgian currency required for their expenses.”↩
- Latter not found in Department files.↩