
The Netherlands Ambassador (London) to the Secretary of State


Sir: Acting upon instructions I have the honor to inform you that the Netherlands Government has greatly appreciated the comments contained in your note of July 28th2 concerning the draft of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, which was submitted to the Governments of the United Nations by the Government of the United States of America.

The Netherlands Government has carefully studied the arguments which have been advanced in your above-mentioned note; however, the Netherlands Government does not find these arguments entirely convincing. This applies especially with regard to the fact that whereas under the terms of the draft convention it is possible in theory that decisions and, in general, action taken by the Central Committee can be appealed to the Council of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, those countries which are not represented on the Central Committee can be confronted by said Committee with accomplished facts from which no appeal is possible.

Therefore, the Netherlands Government cannot but maintain its objections which have previously been brought to Your Excellency’s attention. However, in view of the urgency that an adequate organization for the relief of the victims of war be established, the Netherlands Government is prepared to acquiesce in the proposals of the United States Government as laid down in the draft agreement which was annexed to your note of June 9, 1943.

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The Netherlands Government, nevertheless, wishes to make it absolutely clear that this willingness to cooperate in this matter should never be interpreted as an acceptance of the principles involved if at any time in the future, contrary to the expectations of the Netherlands Government, a similar setup should be proposed with regard to other international organizations or arrangements.

Please accept [etc.]

A. Loudon
  1. See telegram Netherlands series No. 6, July 28, 11 p.m., to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom, p. 957.