The Soviet Ambassador (Litvinov) to the
Assistant Secretary of State (Acheson)
Washington, March 18,
Dear Mr. Acheson: I am sending you herewith in
writing my Government’s remarks on the latest amendments to the draft
agreement on Relief and Rehabilitation.
I am at your disposal to discuss these remarks at any time convenient for
Yours sincerely,
[Page 884]
Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, Draft No.
New Amendments Suggested by the Soviet
Article 1.
Before the word “responsibility” to insert “complete or partial”. Instead
of the word “authorized” to say “planned”.
Article 3 paragraph 4.
After the words “shall consist” to insert “of representatives of the
governments members of the Central Committee”.
Article 3 paragraph 5.
To omit the last sentence “The committee of the Council for Europe shall
take over”, etc.
Article 4 paragraph 4.
After the words “under the provisions of Article 3” to insert “and two
deputies for the committee of the Council for Europe (such deputies to
be chosen from the European countries members of the Central