740.00119 EAC/11–1943

The British Embassy to the Department of State


His Majesty’s Government have now considered the question of the combined secretariat for the European Advisory Commission and suggest that this should be on a modest scale to start with. It might for instance consist at the outset of say two American and two British and two Soviet secretaries under a Secretary General who might be chosen when the Commission meets, or previously if desired. They would be assisted by the necessary clerical, interpreting and typing staff.

Members of the secretariat would work permanently at the headquarters of the Commission. They would be servants of the Commission as a whole and not of their respective delegations. They would not be concerned with policy. Their duties would be primarily to keep minutes of the meetings of the Commission and of any committees that may be established, to see to the distribution of documents and to make all material arrangements for the Commission’s work. Every effort would be made to get the secretariat working as a team. His Majesty’s Government suggest that it should establish itself at the headquarters of the Commission as soon as practicable.
The terms of reference of the Commission laid down in addition “that representatives “may be assisted where necessary by technical advisers civilian and military”. These advisers would not be members of the combined secretariat but would serve their respective delegations, if necessary representing the chief delegate at sub-committee meetings. His Majesty’s Government would be grateful to be informed of the names of any advisers who would accompany the principal United States delegate.
His Majesty’s Government would be glad to receive the observations of United States Government.