The Secretary of State to President Roosevelt 63
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Mr. Eden called on me this afternoon to acquaint me with a further conversation he had today with Molotov in which he again urgently asked for agreement that the British bring pressure on the Turks to give them use of air bases. He explained that he had had word from Prime Minister that unless this privilege was forthcoming from the Turks promptly it would be impossible to hold Leros.
Molotov continued to object but after a long discussion they finally came to following agreement.
[Page 695]Soviet Government would approve the British immediate demands on Turkey for the air bases and Eden agreed that British Government would join with Russia at a later date to bring pressure on Turkey to come into war before end of year.
Molotov asked whether I would join in this and add it as a part of the Conference understandings. I explained to Mr. Eden that I had no authority to join in such an agreement. Eden has undertaken to explain this to Molotov. If there is time Eden will put his verbal agreement with Molotov into memorandum form.
You may wish to reexamine this question from the standpoint of Turkey’s entry into the war. Politically I would favor this. Since the British and Russians are going forward with the matter you may wish to send instructions to Harriman.
- Copy of telegram obtained from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, N.Y.↩
- The omitted portion of the telegram contains the text of a telegram to Prime Minister Churchill from Foreign Secretary Eden reporting his conversation with Mr. Molotov on October 31, 1943, on the Turkish question, a copy of which Mr. Eden sent to Secretary Hull, and also the latter’s letter of acknowledgment. The telegram is printed in full in Foreign Relations, The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943, p. 144.↩