740.0011 Moscow/10–2643: Telegram
President Roosevelt to the Secretary of State
The seven points of policy outlined in the Soviet proposal, your Delam 1389 and 14,90 are in conformity with this Government’s policy towards Italy. It would appear advisable, however, that the acceptance thereof be conditional on such preamble as indicated by you in your 1715, October 24, 1 p.m.
It may be well to make two observations for your guidance. First, that the time when these seven points of policy can be made effective must be governed by military factors in Italy, and, secondly, in the carrying out of point 6, no steps should be adopted, even in this early stage, which would not meet with the prior approval of the supreme allied commander-in-chief or would run contrary to our announced policy of permitting the people (in this case, of Italy) ultimately to choose their own form of democratic government.