740.0011 Moscow/39h: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the American Delegation

1014. Amdel 22. There is transmitted herewith by direction of the President the text of a message which Prime Minister Churchill transmitted simultaneously on October 12 to the President and Premier Stalin90 with a view as to whether “something like it might not be issued over our three signatures”. The President would like you to consider the text of some such statement to be issued at the close of the Moscow conversations as an indication to the world that the fate of these unhappy people under German control has not been overlooked at this Tripartite meeting. Should such an action meet with your approval and a text in its general character agreed upon with your British and Russian colleagues, the President suggests the statement to be issued in Moscow should be a joint statement as by the three governments.

It is believed that without prejudice to any action we may take against past offenders, this warning should refer specifically to present and future atrocities in order to avoid in so far as is possible driving to desperation those cornered rats who have in the past murdered their helpless victims and to whom we can and will apply the same punishment without any notice.91

In due course I shall look for some indication of your decision.

The text is contained in the telegram immediately following.1

  1. Ante, p. 556.
  2. In a memorandum of October 16, 1943, to the Acting Secretary of State, President Roosevelt stated: “It is suggested that the following be added after the first paragraph of your proposed message, and that the message be sent without delay to Secretary Hull.” Then followed text of the above paragraph. (740.0011 Moscow/279)
  3. Not printed.