711.62114 Sick/70

The Secretary of State to the Swiss Minister (Bruggmann)

The Secretary of State presents his compliments to the Honorable the Minister of Switzerland in charge of German interests in the United States and has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Minister’s note dated September 20, 1943,24 in which the receipt is acknowledged of the Secretary of State’s note of September 17 regarding the mutual repatriation by the United States and German Governments of seriously sick and seriously wounded prisoners of war and protected personnel.

The Minister is informed that lists of German prisoners of war and protected personnel to be repatriated by the United States Government from the United States and North Africa have been given by the Combined Repatriation Committee, which has been established at London, to the Swiss Legation at London for communication to the German Government. As requested in the Minister’s note there is enclosed a list of the German prisoners of war who will be repatriated from the United States. There is no surplus protected personnel among the Germans to be repatriated from the United States.

It would be appreciated if the Minister of Switzerland would forward to the Secretary of State a copy of the list of the American prisoners of war and protected personnel to be repatriated by the German Government as soon as the Minister shall have received this list from the Swiss Government at Bern.

  1. Not printed.