740.00116 European War 1939/1137

The British Chargé (Campbell) to the Secretary of State

No. 551

His Majesty’s Chargé d’Affaires presents his compliments to the Secretary of State, and has the honour to inform Mr. Hull that His Majesty’s Government have been approached by the Netherlands Government with a proposal for a Joint Declaration warning the Axis nations that depredations by their Forces and Authorities in Occupied countries at the time of the withdrawal would entail punishment, not only of the originators and perpetrators of such depredations, but also of the Axis nations as a whole.

Sir Ronald Campbell is informed that His Majesty’s Government replied to this approach, stating that they were interested in such a proposal being carried out at the proper time and that His Majesty’s Government would be glad to consider the draft of any warning which the Netherlands Government cared to prepare.

The Netherlands Ambassador in London has now communicated to the Foreign Office a draft declaration, addressed specifically to the Germans. In presenting this draft the Netherlands Ambassador stated that the Netherlands Ambassador in Washington was presenting a similar draft for the consideration of the United States Government.

Sir Ronald Campbell is informed that His Majesty’s Government see certain objections to the draft declaration in the form put forward by the Netherlands Government. It is felt that the present draft does not make sufficiently clear the immediate object of the warning and contains undesirable reference to “retaliation of the severest kind” against Germany and the Germans. His Majesty’s Government are working on a re-draft.

His Majesty’s Government would be glad to receive the comments of the United States Government upon the proposal put forward by the Netherlands Government.