540.48 Refugees/4536: Telegram

The Minister in Sweden (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

3196. Chief Political Division Foreign Office says advices from Denmark indicate local German officials there are being very lax in [Page 361] carrying out instructions for deportation of Jews. Although final figures are unavailable as many who escaped to Sweden do not arrive in populated spots nearly 3,000 have already escaped to Sweden, i.e., nearly half of number intended to be deported. Official mentioned above believes that strong campaign from Sweden has affected local German officials in Denmark so that they fear for their personal safety if carrying out instructions too vigorously.

Swedish Government has followed up its original démarche in Berlin (see Legation’s 3149, September 30, 10 p.m. and 3180, October 2, 10 p.m.32) by requesting that in any case Jewish children be sent to Sweden, stating children could not be cause of trouble in Denmark which is alleged cause for deportations.

  1. Latter not printed.