840.48 Refugees/4122: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Algiers (Wiley)
1475. For Murphy and Fryer from Lehman. Your 1374 August 5. The selection of refugees of enemy nationality or stateless presently in Spain to be cared for temporarily in North Africa at a site to be designated by the Army will be made by the American Embassy in Spain. The American and British Embassies and Legations in Spain and Portugal will arrange land transportation to a Portuguese port from which the British will provide sea transportation to North Africa. It will not be necessary to send personnel from North Africa to Spain. Charles McDonald of OFRRO has been assisting the American Embassy in Spain to administer relief to American and French refugees and will be available to assist in the foregoing arrangements. The determination of a place of more permanent settlement to which the refugees are to be removed from their temporary refuge in North Africa and their transportation to that place when selected are within the competence generally of the Intergovernmental Committee which already has these matters under consideration. For this reason and because it is planned to move all of the above refugees from Spain eventually, the screening which you suggest is not essential. Awaiting your further report after Reekie’s return. Forwarding of instructions from the Department and British Government to American and British missions in Madrid and Lisbon for the organization of their part of the undertaking awaiting designation of site, as requested in Department’s 1383 July 27, and indication as to when you will be ready to receive refugees.
Reference your letter July 2710 about termination of work, assume you will plan to use substantial part of present personnel on this project. [Lehman.]
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