840.48 Refugees/4036

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State

The British Ambassador called at his request. He brought up the question of establishing a camp in North Africa for refugees and inquired about the nature of this Government’s reply to the British. He said that Mr. Churchill denied that he and the President discussed the Jewish refugee and relief questions generally, and that, therefore, the British Government is awaiting a reply from us.

I stated that there must be some mistake in recollection for the reason that the President told the State Department that he would have the conference with Mr. Churchill on this subject, and that the latter said that he must first return home and have a conference with the appropriate officials and, after doing so, would report back to the President. I added that we would check this matter and see what had actually transpired. I said that I thought the question of a communication from us in regard to establishing a camp for refugees in North Africa was contained in our memorandum80a on the entire Jewish question which was placed in the hands of the President, but I could not be absolutely sure and that therefore I would check on the matter.

  1. See letter of May 7 to President Roosevelt, p. 176.