740.00114 European War 1939/3625
The Swiss Chargé (Feer) to the Secretary of State
Reference: VIII–12
The Chargé d’Affaires ad interim of Switzerland in charge of German Interests presents his compliments to the Honorable the Secretary of State and has the honor to submit the following text, in its translation, of a cable just received from abroad regarding an agreement to be reached in complement to Title IV, Section I, Article 70 of the Geneva Prisoners of War Convention dealing with the appointment and activity of a mixed medical commission:
“The German Legation requests that the proposal be made to the American Government regarding an agreement of the following wording concerning the examination of Prisoners of War by a mixed medical commission:
‘Primo: Opportunity shall be granted to each prisoner of war to submit himself to the examination by a mixed medical commission within 6 months from the date of his capture.
‘Secundo: Prisoners of war who have neglected to apply for examination according to Primo are to be presented, upon respective application, for examination within 6 months from the date of such application. Those prisoners of war who have already been examined by the mixed medical commission, but whose justification for repatriation has, however, been denied, can apply for additional examination at the earliest 3 months after the last one.
‘Tercio: Prisoners of war recognized as justified repatriation cases by the mixed medical commission are to be repatriated as soon as means are available for such a purpose, and this without taking into consideration the amelioration of their state of health which eventually has occurred in the time between the examination and the repatriation.
‘Quarto: Lists with the results of the examinations by the mixed medical commission have to be handed to the Protecting Power if possible within one month for forwarding to the Government of the country of which the prisoners of war are nationals.’
“The same agreement was concluded some time ago between Germany and Great Britain. The German Government is prepared to act according to these provisions provided the U.S. Government confirms that the German prisoners of war are treated according to the same rules.”