852.48/1456: Telegram

The Minister in Portugal (Fish) to the Secretary of State

652. Reference to Madrid’s 704, March 24 to Department. After receiving the communication from Ambassador Hayes requesting me to address a letter to Salazar asking Portugal to grant transit to French refugees departing from Spain with Spanish consent I first established contact with Salazar through his secretary and was given to understand that it would be sufficient to assure the passage of the initial groups of French refugees through Portugal if I were simply to address to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a note stating that the Legation would appreciate any assistance which the Portuguese Government could give in this matter. Such a communication was accordingly delivered to the Foreign Office today. Salazar did not appear to have any knowledge of any such understanding as that implied by the request of the Portuguese Ambassador at Madrid or of any particular agreed formula for my communication to him. This being the case I saw nothing to be gained by acting precisely within the terms of Ambassador Hayes’ request and I trust that the action I have taken will be sufficient to make possible the cooperation of the Portuguese authorities with respect to at least the first four shiploads of refugees.

Repeated to Madrid.
