840.48 Refugees/3701: Telegram

The Ambassador in Mexico (Messersmith) to the Secretary of State

289. For Lehman. At my suggestion British and Polish Ministers29 and I had a meeting with the Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs yesterday and I fortunately had your last letter.30 In view of difficulties in making arrangements it is helpful to know that no refugees will probably arrive before middle June. All were in agreement that if we could start with 500 instead of a large number it would be most helpful. We are awaiting arrival of Kelly31 before committee will visit possible sites, and I have informed the committee Kelly will be here for a meeting to be held first Monday in April. Am writing fully immediately. Please assure that arrangements are made for Kelly to arrive here for above-mentioned meeting.

  1. Charles Bateman and Wladyslaw Neuman, respectively.
  2. Not found in Department files.
  3. Eric P. Kelly, in charge of the refugee camp at León.