840.48 Refugees/4887b: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)18
7815. For Biddle. You are requested to collaborate with the British representative in presenting the following declaration to the Governments to which you are accredited19 and to appropriate representatives of the Government of Luxembourg and endeavor to secure their acceptance at an early date,20 the declaration having already [Page 237] been accepted by the Governments of Great Britain, the United States and Soviet Russia.
[Here follows text of declaration as stated in telegram No. 7442, November 24, 10 p.m., to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom, printed on page 224.]
- The same, mutatis mutandis, on the same date, as No. 61 to the Minister in Egypt for presentation to the Governments of Yugoslavia and Greece, and as No. 107 to the Consul General at Algiers for presentation to the French Committee of National Liberation.↩
- The Governments of Belgium, Czechoslovakia, the Netherlands, Norway, and Poland, established in England.↩
- Acceptances received by January 15, 1944, from all countries involved, with some suggested modifications. The British Embassy suggested and the Department concurred that, because France, Greece, and several other countries were not in complete agreement regarding present wording of the repatriation declaration, the representatives of the various countries confer in London and agree upon the text. In telegram No. 453, January 18, 1944, the Ambassador in the United Kingdom was instructed to transmit the foregoing information to the Directorate of the IGC. (840.48 Refugees/5042b)↩