840.48 Refugees/4724: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in the United Kingdom ( Bucknell )

7719. Concerning proposal for approaching other Allied Nations regarding joint declaration on repatriation as outlined in your 8080 November 19, please refer to Department’s 7442 November 24, in which it was assumed that British Government would take prompt steps to place proposed declaration before other United Nations of Europe. [Page 235] Since British Foreign Office believes the respective representatives of Great Britain and the United States should make approach to other Nations jointly, the Department accepts British view. Department is therefore instructing our representatives to United Nations Governments or authorities concerned, namely Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Yugoslavia, and the French Committee of National Liberation, to collaborate with the British representative in securing the adherence of these Governments or authorities to the declaration.
