840.48 Refugees/4483: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

5876. Your 6097, September 14 and your airmail despatch no. 11174, September 13.78 You are instructed to represent the United States Government at the meeting of the Executive Committee to be held September 30, 1943, since Mr. Myron C. Taylor is unable to attend.

The following comment refers to the numbered paragraphs of your no. 6097:

The Department understands that the Secretary will be a national of a member Government other than Great Britain or the United States.
The Department perceives no objection to the estimate of additional staff requirements mentioned in Enclosure 3 to your despatch under reference, but you are free to discuss this question with an open mind and agree to any changes which seem reasonable to you.
(3) and (4)
The Department stated in its no. 5180 of August 25, its position regarding the extent to which private individuals or voluntary organizations should be permitted to participate in the deliberations of the Committee. The views expressed by Sir Herbert Emerson in paragraphs 3 to 5 inclusive of Enclosure 2 to your despatch under reference are fully concurred in by the Department.
While the Department has felt that the administrative expenses of the Executive Committee should be shared equally by the member Governments of the Intergovernmental Committee the Department is willing to consider a recommendation of the Executive Committee that such expenses be shared according to the Evian Scale as we had formerly agreed when the Committee was first organized.

The Department will appreciate receiving a complete report of the proceedings of the meeting of the Executive Committee to be held on September 30, 1943.

  1. With reference to the latter, see footnote 77, p. 211.