102.73/2956: Telegram
The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 23—1:42 a.m.]
1798. For Brandes1 Plant Industry from Bartlett,2 Have been asked to remain here few days longer than planned. Representing Chilean Ministry Agriculture Señor Manuel Elgueta requests formal agreement guaranteeing market for such guayule and kok-saghyz rubber as may be produced in Chile. I beg to submit the following suggestion as basis for possible negotiation providing it would be in line with policies of our Government; the United States Government agrees for period of 10 years from November 1, 1942 to exchange ton for ton best grade of butadiene synthetic rubber for high grade but no deresined natural rubber produced in Chile from guayule or kok-saghyz on the basis of actual rubber content up to limit of Chile’s requirement of synthetic rubber for fabrication in Chile, and likewise agrees during said period of 10 years to purchase entire excess Chilean guayule and kok-saghyz rubber above amount required for fabrication in Chile at price then current in the United States for such rubber or at price then current in the United States for butadiene synthetic rubber, whichever may be most advantageous to Chile. I would appreciate receiving your views in this matter prior to my departure for Argentina. [Bartlett.]