The Adviser on Political Relations (Duggan) to the Ambassador in Uruguay (Dawson)
My Dear Bill: I write with reference to your letters of November 11 and November 14, 194245 regarding the proposed Export-Import Bank loan to Uruguay for public works. I quite agree with your suggestion that it would be desirable to have the loan agreement concluded by Dr. Guani on the occasion of his visit to Washington next January.
[Page 727]As soon as the memorandum promised by the Uruguayan Government with respect to the public works program is received here, it will be submitted to the Export-Import Bank with the request that the Bank draw up a draft of an agreement. This can then be sent to you for presentation to President Baldomir and Dr. Guani, and if it meets with their approval, can be prepared for formal signing by Dr. Guani in this country.
With cordial, personal regards,
- Letter of November 11 not printed.↩