611.3331/479: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Uruguay (Dawson)

442. Reference Embassy’s 595, July 16.

We have no specific suggestions as to outline or text of the general statement you may be called upon to make. You will naturally avoid any statement suggesting that the agreement will make any significant change in trade during the emergency, when such factors as shortage of shipping and supplies dominate the situation, and will put emphasis on general significance of the agreement as further concrete evidence of the ability of the American republics to work out mutually beneficial solutions of common problems and as a foundation for improved trade relations, particularly after the United Nations have won a decisive victory over the Axis powers and, together with other like-minded peoples, have taken further steps to attain the objectives set forth in the Atlantic Charter.30
The signature texts of the agreement should be assembled in the following order: general provisions, schedule I, and schedule II, [Page 715] followed by the two notes regarding preferences. Please telegraph the order in which these notes will appear. The final minutes should of course be kept separate from the other documents since the text thereof will not be proclaimed or published.
  1. Joint statement by President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill on August 14, 1941, Foreign Relations, 1941, Vol. i, p. 367.