The Secretary of State to President Roosevelt
My Dear Mr. President: Public notice of intention to negotiate a trade agreement with Uruguay was issued on May 13, 1941 and public hearings were held on June 23, 24, and 25 concurrently with those in connection with the trade agreement with Argentina because of the similarity of products on which concessions might be granted to the two countries.
Agreement has now been reached with the Uruguayan Government on all substantive points in connection with the proposed agreement.
Improved tariff treatment is provided for in Schedule I of the agreement on 147 Uruguayan tariff items covering about 25 percent by value of total United States exports to Uruguay in 1940.
With the exception of the binding on the free list of unmanufactured agates, all of the concessions to be granted Uruguay in Schedule II are also included in the existing trade agreement with Argentina. The principal products are casein, tallow, canned meat, flaxseed, coarse wools, and cattle hides. The concessions cover products which in 1940 accounted for about 32 percent by value of total United States imports from Uruguay.
The general provisions, related notes, and final minutes are similar to those contained in the trade agreement with Argentina. As in the case of Argentina, two related notes provide that the terms of the agreement providing for nondiscriminatory treatment will not be invoked in respect of certain special exchange treatment accorded [Page 714] temporarily by Uruguay to the sterling area or in respect of certain special advantages accorded by Uruguay to specified neighboring countries. In the case of Argentina these neighboring countries are countries contiguous to Argentina and Peru; in the case of Uruguay they include contiguous countries, Bolivia, and Paraguay.
I should appreciate being informed whether you approve the conclusion of this agreement as outlined above.29
Faithfully yours,
- Original of this letter returned by President Roosevelt with notation, CH OK FDR.↩