800.8830/1590: Telegram

The Ambassador in Uruguay (Dawson) to the Secretary of State

433. Department’s 303, May 27, 7 p.m. As duly reported by Naval Attaché,12 Colonia and Presidente Terra sailed for United States Atlantic ports May 24. Maldonado is still undergoing repairs and should be ready in 2 weeks to a month. Nothing has been done with Tacoma and I understand that port authorities are awaiting instructions from Guani before proceeding to place her in service.

From a recent remark made to me by Guani and from other reports I understand that the President and Rodriguez Luis13 are not well disposed towards Moore-McCormack and feel that the company has tried to exert pressure in various ways in order to obtain the vessels. I shall discuss situation with Guani early next week along lines of your telegram when I receive text of latest Moore-McCormack proposal which Clarendon is bringing me on Monday.14

  1. Comdr. Frank Loftin.
  2. Adm. Rodriguez Luis of the Uruguayan Navy.
  3. June 1.