711F.1914/435: Telegram

The Ambassador in Panama (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

153. For the Acting Secretary. Reference my letter March 1027 regarding the negotiations for the defense sites. I strongly urge you to authorize me without delay to reach agreement with the Panamanian Government on the lines recommended in my letter and despatch no. 922 of March 9.

I have had another talk with the President and the Minister for Foreign Affairs. They are becoming nervous and disturbed about the matter. The Government is losing prestige because of inability to announce the benefits which Panamá will get in return for turning over the Republic to military occupation by United States armed forces. This occupation is causing frequent incidents and creating constant sources of irritation. The public in general (and in particular the political opposition including supporters of the previous administration who are becoming much more active of late because of this situation) are demanding what the Government is doing to protect Panamanian interests. Unless we can soon place the Panamanian Government in a position to announce a satisfactory conclusion of the negotiations with the benefits accruing to Panamá we shall run the risk of drifting into a situation in which incalculable damage may be done to the friendly and cooperative atmosphere which has been built up here.

We are now in possession of all the necessary elements to conclude an agreement which in my judgement should be satisfactory to us and equitable to Panama. If you will give me the instructions requested I believe I can reach agreement in a week with the possible exception of minor points of drafting.

  1. Not printed.