822.48/46a: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Ecuador (Long)46
153. Following memorandum has today been handed to Alfaro:47
“The Government of the United States is prepared to render technical and financial assistance in the execution of the program of the Government of Ecuador for the rehabilitation of the Province of El Oro. In order to define exactly the nature of this assistance, and at the suggestion of the Government of Ecuador, a group of experts is being sent to Ecuador at once to make a detailed, but rapid, study of conditions in the Province. This group is composed of an official of the American Red Cross experienced in relief work, an expert qualified in Farm Security Administration techniques and a representative of the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs. The group will arrive in Quito about March 18, 1942.
This group of experts, in addition to making the study in question, will be in a position to render immediate and practical assistance in matters of major emergency connected therewith. The assistance which this Government agrees to furnish in the broad program of rehabilitation will be undertaken immediately following completion of the survey.”
For your confidential information the Department believes that a certain amount of the rehabilitation work can probably be done by the new development corporation on a recoverable basis, hence the original estimate of $1,000,000 for a grant from this Government would be too high. This Government is prepared to grant up to $500,000 if necessary and recommended by the survey group.
The survey group will arrive in Quito on March 18. Details by air mail.