837.61351/3036: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Cuba (Braden)
292. For Briggs from Walmsley. Your 313 and 320, May 14 and 18.2 I understand the BEW3 has written the DSC approving the proposed delivery of up to 10,000,000 gallons of this year’s blackstrap production after January 1, 1943, according to the formula suggested in your 320. I expect that the DSC would like to write [Page 326] in a latest delivery date, say about February 15, 1943. I further expect a letter from Goodloe4 Monday on the basis of which I shall telephone you; but in the meantime Sabin5 assures me the DSC will be pleased to hear from the Institute on the subject.
The DSC’s acquiescence is neither a commitment nor a guide with regard to next year’s blackstrap price; so please dispel any optimistic assumption which may be made in this regard. [Walmsley.]