837.61351/3006: Telegram
The Chargé in Cuba (Briggs) to the Secretary of State
Habana, May 4,
1942—6 p.m.
[Received May 5—1:33 a.m.]
[Received May 5—1:33 a.m.]
277. For Scherer. My telegram No. 271, May 3, 6 p.m.96 The following text has been agreed upon subject to endorsement by Defense Supplies Corporation covering shipment of sugar from Habana. Please inform me by telephone whether it will be acceptable to Corporation.97
- “(1st) In accordance with war requirements that part of article VI paragraphs O and P of the 1942 Cuban sugar crop purchase contract signed by the Institute and Defense Supplies Corporation which concerns the right of the Institute to designate ports of embarkation is suspended.
- (2d) The Institute and Defense Supplies Corporation shall determine by mutual agreement which ports will be used for the embarkation of sugar and in any case the United States naval authorities shall have the right to designate through the Embassy the loading ports.
- (3d) A substantial quantity of sugar which is estimated at not less than 6,000,000 bags shall be shipped through the Port of Habana using the terminals with the best and most rapid facilities for loading or when necessary using lighters. Equal distribution among the terminals with the above mentioned facilities shall be sought, but in any case it shall be for the United States naval authorities to indicate through the Embassy the terminal to be used and the Embassy shall so notify the Institute with respect to each shipment.
- (4th) The Embassy jointly with the Institute shall draw up a plan with respect to shipment of sugar through the Port of Habana but until the plan is adopted the Embassy may ask for the shipment of sugar through Habana in accordance with the conditions set forth in the previous paragraph advising the Institute which dock will be used in order that the Institute may place the sugar at the dock in sufficient time.
- (5th) The net difference in cost of each shipment of sugar as between the usual port and shipment in accordance with the four preceding paragraphs shall be for the account of Defense Supplies Corporation or any person or entity designated by it said Corporation being responsible for payment thereof.”