811.659 Automobiles/413: Airgram

The Ambassador in Chile (Bowers) to the Secretary of State

A–110. Reference my airgram No. A–92, of August 25, 1942, 5:50 p.m., and my despatch No. 2475 of January 26, 1942,28 which recommended that no new passenger automobiles be imported into Chile from the United States in 1942, and that truck imports should not exceed 500 units. Actual importations of passenger automobiles in January-July 1942 amounted to 817 units, of which 807 units were received from the United States and actual truck importations to 1125 units, all of which came from the United States. Consequently, in the first seven months of 1942 Chile has received enough trucks to supply its essential requirements for a period of over two years, and enough automobiles for several years essential requirements. As supply of new passenger automobiles exceeds demand, Chilean dealers are disposing of a part of surplus in the Argentine, as reported in my airgram No. A–92 of August 25, 1942, and definite information has now been received that some of these automobiles have fallen into the hands of Proclaimed Nationals.

It is urgently recommended that no further exports to Chile of passenger automobiles or trucks be permitted without previous consultation with this Embassy.

  1. Neither printed.