740.0011 European War 1939/23279: Telegram
The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
[Received 4:37 p.m.]
1366. Personal for the Secretary and Under Secretary. My 1351, July 31, noon.28 I realize that the assumption is that the particular responsibility for military operations in this theatre lies with the British and that the role here of the United States at present is confined to rendering such aid as is within our power. The general responsibility for winning the war, however, is ours as well as Britain’s and the loss of the Middle East, with the grave consequences thereof to the cause of the United Nations in the denial of the Mediterranean to eventual Allied offensive operations as well as in the jeopardy to the routes to Russia, India and China, would at least postpone the victory for which we are fighting. In the sincerity of the deepest conviction, I submit, therefore, that we have not met that responsibility unless, in the face of the present danger to Egypt, the President and his advisors have acquainted themselves with the lines of the present strategy of the Allied commanders in this theatre as well as with what those commanders believe is required to implement that strategy and then, have challenged both that strategy and those requirements in the light of their own superior knowledge and broader view. Only in this way can determination be assured of the actual elements involved and the fact be established that everything that is humanly possible is being done to save the situation here while there may yet be time.
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