740.0011 European War 1039/22404: Telegram

The Minister in Egypt (Kirk) to the Secretary of State

1057. My 1054, June 22, 8 p.m.25 Fall of Tobruk has caused extreme apprehension in Egyptian circles which up to that time had tended to regard developments in Libya with apathy and criticism of British by Egyptians for ineptitude in conduct of operations and alleged deterioration of morale is heard on all sides. The fact that in absence of adequate British explanation of [apparent omission] local population had recourse to Axis radio for information thereon contributed to local consternation.

I am confidentially informed that Prime Minister25a alluded to this situation in a conversation with British Ambassador yesterday and said Parliament was exerting pressure on him for clarification. Prime Minister expressed confidence in his ability to counteract feeling of panic in respect of both Parliament and public provided Ambassador could give assurance of British intention to defend Egypt to last. Ambassador thereupon urgently requested London for authority to give such assurance and this morning received a reply empowering him to reassure Prime Minister regarding British determination to hold country.

The Prime Minister also assured the Ambassador of his readiness to take all necessary measures to prevent sabotage, fifth column or other activity which might prejudice security of Egypt as a base for Allied operations but emphasized that in order to cooperate effectively he would have to be kept currently informed of British military plans.

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I am informed that the Ambassador plans to see the Prime Minister this morning in order to communicate London’s assurance and that he will be accompanied by British military representatives who will give such explanation as is deemed advisable regarding military situation. It is understood that in latter connection particular emphasis will be placed on necessity in time of crisis of keeping means of communication unencumbered.

It is expected that the Prime Minister may make a statement on subject in Parliament tonight.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Mustapha Nahas Pasha.