124.90F/22a: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Egypt (Kirk)

178. Department has decided to establish Legation at Jidda, Saudi Arabia to be a combined office performing diplomatic and consular functions. Minister Kirk will continue being accredited to Saudi Arabia. James S. Moose, Jr., now at Tehran, has been assigned second secretary and consul at Jidda and directed to proceed as soon as practicable stopping en route at Cairo for consultation and to receive detailed instructions being sent to Cairo by air mail. Should these instructions not be received when Moose ready to proceed to Jidda he should go on, and instructions be forwarded to him upon their receipt. Moose will serve as Chargé, Jidda.

Please ask Government of Saudi Arabia if establishment of Legation performing diplomatic and consular functions is agreeable to it, and request provisional recognition for Moose as Consul at Jidda.

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You will please ship to Jidda one of the five safes now in Legation which is suitable for safe-guarding codes, reporting inventory number to Department. Replacement will be sent to Legation at earliest opportunity.
