881.00/2080: Telegram

The Chargé at Tangier (Childs) to the Secretary of State

10. General Orgaz, High Commissioner for Spanish Morocco has informed a reliable official contact that a Portuguese military mission is to arrive in Spanish Morocco shortly. This fact was advanced in explanation of the inability of Orgaz to receive the return visit of courtesy of General Noguès, French Resident General in Morocco, until sometime after January 20.

[Page 448]

The Chief of Orgaz’s Military Cabinet in discussing the forthcoming arrival of the Portuguese military mission explained that when Orgaz was last in Madrid he had seen the Portuguese Ambassador and had expressed a desire that “Portuguese personalities” should visit Spanish Morocco en masse.

My informant who is the Cyr mentioned in the Legation’s despatch No. 33315 draws the following interpretation from the foregoing:

He cites a further example of Suñer’s16 waning influence in Foreign Affairs and the intention of Orgaz to take a more and more independent line in the affairs of Spanish Morocco (see Legation’s telegram No. 4, January 5, noon).
Orgaz is believed to be desirous taking any measures which may be available Morocco concert with Portugal and French Morocco with a view to preserving his own status quo in the Western Hemisphere [Western Mediterranean].

My informant also states that in his conversation with the chief of Orgaz’s Military Cabinet the latter emphasized several times that Orgaz’s chief concern is that of looking out for Spanish interests and that he is not a Spanish official who is moved by considerations for other countries. My informant’s conclusion from this is that the Spanish military official wished to indicate that Orgaz is not bound like certain other Spanish officers and officials by ties to the Axis.

My British colleague expressed the opinion to me a few days ago that Orgaz is exclusively concerned with the interests of Spain and is neither disposed nor desirous of playing the Axis game.

Repeated to Madrid and Lisbon.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Ramón Serrano Suñer, Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs.