882.7962/88: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Liberia (Hibbard)
195. Legation’s despatch 715, April 8.29 It is observed that the deed of lease for Roberts Field makes no provision for possible use of the airport and of its facilities by other United States air [Page 387] transport interests which might at a future time be authorized to operate in Liberia.
Under a contract with the War Department, Pan American Airways, Incorporated may not impose, for its own benefit or for its own account, any landing fee at Roberts Field on other United States air carriers which may in the future be duly authorized by the United States and the Liberian Governments to operate in Liberia. According to the policy to be carried out by the War Department, fees for the use of the airport facilities, as distinguished from landing fees in such cases, may be Charged whereby each aircraft utilizing the field will pay a fair proportionate share of Pan American’s actual costs for the operation and maintenance of the field.
It is the view of the Department and of the War Department that, in order to avoid any inconsistent effect on established policy, the deed of lease should expressly provide that other United States air carriers which in the future may be duly authorized to operate in Liberia may land at Roberts Field and make use of its facilities upon the foregoing conditions.
You are requested to bring this matter to the attention of the Liberian Government and to suggest that the deed of lease be amended as indicated above. If the deed of lease has already been ratified by the Liberian Legislature, you should endeavor to have the Liberian Government address a note to the Legation stating its understanding that Roberts Field and its facilities may be used upon the conditions mentioned above by any United States air carrier which may be duly authorized to operate in Liberia.
A letter has been sent to the President of Pan American Airways, Incorporated, informing him of the action being taken by this Government.
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