882.7962/31: Telegram

Mr. Harry A. McBride, Special Representative of President Roosevelt in Liberia, to the Secretary of State

24. Had first talk with Barclay this morning. He sends greetings to President Roosevelt and assurance of cooperation.

Hope to secure rights to control, operate and defend airport for military purposes by Monday. If this is granted we will then proceed to make more detailed agreement as soon as practicable embodying formal offer of: (1) Road equipment; (2) 800,000 or 1 million dollars for defense purposes; (3) adequate American protection of airport; (4) amphibian plane; (5) American assistance in organizing and training Liberian force of possibly 5000 men; (6) small arms and ammunition for 2500 to 3000 men. If airport rights are granted, Liberia will request that immediately a small nucleus of men to defend it be sent progressively by plane.…

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Liberia’s next step will probably be, as soon as this small nucleus arrives, to break relations with Axis Powers similar to action of Latin American Republics and to deport Axis aliens.

Concerning the cash advance to Liberia, please arrange to have this ready immediately following granting of rights for deposit to credit of Republic of Liberia in a bank to be designated later.

Please cable urgently if any of above arrangements should be changed in any way. Am sending this personally as no signing officer here now, George6 having gone to Fisherman Lake with the Minister.7

  1. William C. George, Vice Consul in Liberia.
  2. Lester A. Walton, who was en route to the United States for consultation.