
Memorandum by the Adviser on Political Relations (Murray)13

In accordance with our telephone conversation, I am returning herewith the papers regarding the question of Lend-Lease for Iran. As I explained on the telephone, I think it is altogether desirable that we support the Iranian Prime Minister and I believe, furthermore, that an announcement that Iran has been made eligible for Lend-Lease would go a long way toward giving him the support which he needs with the Iranian Parliament and the Iranian public. It would of course be desirable to make a simultaneous announcement regarding Lend-Lease for Iran and Iraq, but I assume that it would take some days before a decision could be reached in regard to Iraq. If that is the case I would favor making an immediate announcement in regard to Iran. In this connection I should mention that the Iranian [Page 293] Minister has been in to see Mr. Alling twice this week and has made numerous telephone calls urging a prompt and favorable decision.

Wallace Murray
  1. Addressed to the Under Secretary of State (Welles) and the Assistant Secretary of State (Acheson), both of whom indicated their agreement in marginal notations.