740.0011 European War 1939/20897: Telegram
The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 8—5:09 a.m.]
1418. In further reference your telegram No. 769, March 24, this morning Federal Political Department received word without comment from Swiss Legation, Sofia, that message had been communicated to Bulgarian Foreign Office as directed yesterday at 11 a.m.
This afternoon I was furnished with text in French of telegraphic message from Swiss Minister, Bucharest, reading in translation as follows:
“The message of the Government of United States was handed this morning at 11 o’clock to Mihai Antonescu, Acting President of Council of Ministers, who took due note of it and who authorized me to inform the Government of United States that Rumania has not yet decided upon its program of cooperation in the current campaigns. He led me to expect a written reply in the near future.”
[The records of the Department reveal no further correspondence from Bucharest or from Sofia regarding the American communication.]