The Under Secretary of State (Welles) to the Greek Minister (Diamantopoulos)
My Dear Mr. Minister: I refer to your letter of December 23 [22] 1941, transmitting a communication from His Excellency Emmanuel Tsouderos, Prime Minister of Greece, addressed to the President, regarding the situation in Greece and the need for relief supplies to be sent to that country. I also refer to your letter of December 24, 1941, in which you suggest that advantage be taken of the presence in the United States of the British Prime Minister to discuss with him the question of the relief of Greece.
The communication from the Greek Prime Minister and a copy of your own letter were placed before the President. Mr. Roosevelt has now requested me to transmit to you, for forwarding to its high destination, his reply to Mr. Tsouderos’ communication. I have pleasure in enclosing the President’s response.11
Sincerely yours,