851.4061 Motion Pictures/457: Telegram
The Chargé in France (Tuck) to the Secretary of State
[Received 9:18 p.m.]
1635. Embassy’s 1519, October 12, 9 p.m. A note signed by Laval and dated October 31 states that after examination of the question raised in our note of October 2,
“the necessary instructions have been issued to the customs service with a view to applying once more to American films in transit to Switzerland the regime in force before August 22 last. Consequently, the transit of these films is authorized subject to the approval of the Chief of the Information Service or his delegate.
I shall advise you separately of the French Government’s answer to the point raised in your note under reference relative to the showing of American films in the unoccupied zone.”
Thus we have, with the cooperation of the Swiss, won a partial victory in the matter of transit. We understand that feature pictures and non-political short subjects will go through to Switzerland while newsreels will be held up. (Please see numbered paragraph 2 (b) of our reference telegram.)
[Page 722]We learn that another meeting will be held to reconsider the question of again permitting American films to be shown in unoccupied France. In view of private French interests close to Laval (his son-in-law René de Chambrun) it appears unlikely that a favorable decision will be reached.