
The British Ambassador (Halifax) to the Secretary of State

Dear Mr. Secretary: In my letter of September 4th I told you that the British authorities were considering whether, in view of the difficulties which had arisen with General de Gaulle in Syria, they should give him advance warning of the impending operations in Madagascar, and if so, what if anything they should say to him about the question of the administration of the Island.

I have now received a further telegram from the Foreign Office informing me that a communication will be made to the Acting President of the French National Committee under pledge of secrecy a few hours before the zero hour in the following sense:—

“His Majesty’s Government are about to undertake further operations in Madagascar. It had been their intention to invite the National Committee to assume the administration of the occupied territory. Indeed they had had it in mind to ask that an administrator, preferably General Legentilhomme, should be sent out so as to be ready to take over the administration without undue delay. In view however of General de Gaulle’s present attitude about the Levantine States and of his unjustified suspicions of the [Page 707] good faith of His Majesty’s Government, His Majesty’s Government cannot at present proceed on lines proposed. If however General de Gaulle will return immediately to London as he has been invited by the Prime Minister to do to discuss the question of the Levantine States, His Majesty’s Government will still be ready to discuss with him the possibility of proceeding with their original intention as regards Madagascar. Unless the General can now return to London as suggested, His Majesty’s Government will be obliged to make other arrangements as regards Madagascar.”

Believe me [etc.]
