851.85/499: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Leahy) to the Secretary of State

617. Department’s 245, April 10, 5 p.m. and previous. The following is a translation of a note dated April 27 received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs relating to French shipping in the Far East:

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the honor to inform the Embassy of the United States that following the exchange of views which took place with the Embassy concerning the use by Japan of French merchant shipping at present in the Far East the Japanese Naval authorities have seized the greater part of these vessels.

In bringing the foregoing to the knowledge of the Embassy of the United States the Ministry of Foreign Affairs points out the large degree of responsibility incurred by the Government of the United States for the harm which has thus been caused to the French merchant marine.”

The Foreign Office official who delivered this note informed us that the Japanese naval authorities were taking over approximately 90,000 tons of French merchant shipping and that he believed that the remaining 10,000 tons would be retained by the French authorities for use in coastwise trade between Indochinese ports.
