851R.50/23: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Algiers (Cole)

475. For Murphy. The Civil Mission to be attached to General Eisenhower’s Civil Affairs Staff under your direction is expected to proceed this week to North Africa. The Mission will be composed of Messrs. Culbertson and Hiss of the Department, Cutler and Short of Lend-Lease, Rosenthal and Starr of BEW, DuBois of Treasury and Garthoff of Agriculture.

Until they have had an opportunity after consultation with General Eisenhower and yourself to submit recommendations, it is not our intention to formalize any specific procedure to handle the non-military operations in North Africa. For the time being and until you and General Eisenhower may recommend another organization, we have informed the members of the mission, other interested Departments and the British Government as follows:

During the initial period non-military problems in North Africa will be dealt with by the Civil Affairs Staff of the Military Commander, which shall consist of both United States and British members. All members of the staff shall be responsible to the Civil Affairs Officer of the Allied Forces, Mr. Murphy. Relations with the French authorities shall be conducted exclusively through or with the approval of the Civil Affairs Officer. Operating programs of supply, procurement, finance and other controls, under policies agreed to in Washington, and recommendations for policy consideration in Washington will be worked out in joint terms under Mr. Murphy’s direction by the United States and British members of his staff and with such collaboration with the local authorities as seems desirable.

In Washington the formulation and implementation of the economic and social program shall be under the supervision of the Office of Foreign Territories under Mr. Appleby, assisted by an Inter-departmental Advisory Committee, of which Mr. Appleby shall be chairman, consisting of representatives of State, Army, Lend-Lease, BEW, Treasury and perhaps other agencies. The Office of Foreign Territories shall maintain close liaison with the [Page 480] appropriate British and other foreign representatives on matters affecting the over-all program, as well as with the military authorities in Washington.

It has been reported to us that a North African economic board or boards has been established but we have no confirmation or knowledge of any details of its organization. We assume, however, that if it exists, it will function as a committee under your Staff.

Full details of the combined U.S.–British organization in Washington which has been established will be brought to you by the Mission.
