Press Release Issued by the Department of State, December 12, 19411

An exchange of telegrams between the President of the United States and the President of the Philippine Commonwealth follows:

“December 9, 1941

“I have just arrived from Baguio the summer capital of the Philippines where I was when the war between the United States and Japan was declared. I have covered the country by automobile and I am happy to report that everywhere the people are loyal to America and determined to stand by her in testimony of their gratitude to you, to the Government of the United States and to the American people and because of their devotion to the cause of Democracy and freedom. I am proud therefore that the reiterated assurance I have given to you: to the effect that you can count upon us was no empty word.

Manuel L. Quezon”

“December 11, 1941.

“Your renewed assurances of the devotion and loyalty of the Philippine people to the United States and to democracy are particularly appreciated in this grave hour. The hearts of all Americans are deeply touched by the fortitude and gallantry being shown by your people in this present ordeal. We are at one with you in our faith in the ultimate triumph of our common ideals.

Franklin D. Roosevelt”

  1. Reprinted from Department of State Bulletin, December 13, 1941, p. 511.