Conferences at Washington between President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill, with their advisers, December 1941–January 1942, and June 1942
[Prime Minister Churchill came to Washington for conferences with President Roosevelt, December 22, 1941–January 14, 1942, interrupted by trips to Ottawa and Palm Beach.
The Declaration by the United Nations, signed January 1, 1942, was negotiated and issued while the Conference was in progress. For correspondence on this Declaration, see pages 1 ff.
The Free French on December 24, 1941, seized the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon. For 1941 correspondence on this subject, see Foreign Relations, 1941, volume II, pages 540 ff.; for 1942 correspondence, see ibid., 1942, volume II, section under France entitled “Concern of the United States Over the Seizure of St. Pierre-Miquelon Islands by Free French Forces.”
Prime Minister Churchill again conferred with President Roosevelt June 19–20, 1942, at Hyde Park, New York, and June 21–25 in Washington.
These Washington Conferences dealt primarily with plans for the military and naval conduct of the war. The records of the Conferences are scheduled for publication in a subsequent volume of Foreign Relations.]