740.00116 European War 1939/675: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

7067. Foreign Office states it is agreeable to the amendments suggested in the Department’s 6291, December 11, midnight, and 6308, December 12, 8 p.m. It adds that the Russian Ambassador here has also accepted all of these changes on behalf of his Government. The Foreign Office states the only other changes are to list all the other Governments participating in the declaration and the addition after the word “ghettos” in paragraph 1 of the words “established by the German invader”. It will cable to the Embassy at Washington for the information of the Department the revised text of the declaration. In order to allow time to consult the Allied Governments and the French National Committee in London, the Foreign Office contemplates issuing the declaration at noon, Thursday, December 17, British war time, for simultaneous release in London, Washington and Moscow, unless it learns that the Department has objections. It is mentioned that the Russian Ambassador here has agreed to this time of release.
