390.1115A/1010a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Portugal (Fish)

994. Consul Lourenço Marques reports he is informed by Portuguese authorities that no measures preparatory to exchange have yet been taken by Japanese authorities through any firm or official at Lourenço Marques. Consul and representatives of American Export Line pointed out to Portuguese Foreign Office representative at conference on July 13 that American preparations were well advanced but that little more could be done because of Japanese failure to appoint local agency to handle mechanical details of exchange such as berthing of vessels, funds, cargo and baggage. Furthermore, Japanese Government has informed Portuguese authorities they expect their vessels to sail from Lourenço Marques July 25.

Please bring foregoing to attention of Portuguese Foreign Office urgently and suggest that Portuguese Government as guarantor of the exchange may wish to communicate on urgent basis with Japanese Government suggesting that latter take necessary steps.
