125.8575/438: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)

1692. American Interests—Far East. Your 2120, May 16 and 2806, June 18.46

Because of different national habits of living United States Government believes that administering of financial assistance to destitute nationals at liberty in enemy territory should be effected wherever possible by the state to which those nationals owe allegiance. Accordingly wherever Swiss representatives are permitted by Japanese Government to represent American interests in Japanese-controlled territory, United States Government is remitting ample funds for needy Americans.
On assumption that Japanese Government would be motivated by similar considerations in respect to Japanese at liberty in United States, this Government proposed to Spanish Ambassador in note of February 11 and in aide-mémoire of March 1246 a procedure for remitting funds for representation purposes, including payment of relief to needy Japanese. The United States Government on basis of reciprocity will not hinder Spanish representatives from disbursing funds so remitted for such purposes.
  1. Neither printed.
  2. Neither printed.