740.0011 Pacific War/2606: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Gauss) to the Secretary of State


790. For Currie from Ray.53 Summary of Chungking interviews follows:

Stilwell: He lacks directive indicating whether this front now considered more than verbally important and feels he lacks trading cards to elicit Chinese offensive effort. Increased air support [promise?] insufficient for this purpose since too often promised. British cool to his prescription for reconquest Burma using expatriate Chinese forces trained and equipped with CDS54 ordnance. (Chinese military leaders said to mistrust this as reminiscent the private army—Ray). One American ground division in India would provide lever to galvanize both allies but availability doubted. Program for Wheeler55 control all China supplies operative.
Bissell:56 He regrets uncommunicativeness pleading absorption in meeting local problems locally. Says Chennault relations frictionless since combined responsibilities tax capabilities. Regards AVG56a phenomenal fighting organization but regrets current actuation of majority by mercenary considerations. …

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

American consensus indicates China safe for United Nations despite disappointments since seemingly committed rulers are firmly intrenched and rival coalition necessary for change is undiscernible. Continued virtually passive resistance expected, regardless our aid but no offensive anticipated even with all feasible aid. Desirability of sharper trading with “nation of traders” stressed by many but difficult to prevising [revise?] technique after past ineffective open-handedness recognized and British strictly selfish policy disapproved. Inflation continuing. Japanese attack on Siberia expected soon but penetration of Yunnan considered unlikely pending digestion Burma loot.

See Embassy reports on Sino-Russian discussions regarding exchange strategic materials through northwest.57 [Ray]

  1. J. Franklin Ray, Assistant Lend-Lease Administrator, on a special mission to China.
  2. China Defense Supplies.
  3. Maj. Gen. Raymond A. Wheeler, Commanding General, Services of Supply, China, Burma, and India Theater.
  4. Brig. Gen. Clayton L. Bissell, Gen. Stilwell’s air officer, subsequently Commanding General of the Tenth Air Force.
  5. American Volunteer Group of the Chinese Air Force.
  6. For further correspondence on this matter, see pp. 591 ff.