Exchange of views between Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and President Roosevelt regarding situation in India
[Following a visit by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek to India in February 1942, he communicated directly to President Roosevelt and also to the American Ambassador in China his views as to the critical political and military situation in India and the urgent need for British action to solve the political problem. He quoted instructions to the Chinese Ambassador in London to present these views to Prime Minister Churchill. On July 25, 1942, Generalissimo Chiang sent another urgent confidential message on the Indian situation to President Roosevelt urging that the United States should advise both Britain and India to seek a reasonable and satisfactory solution. President Roosevelt telegraphed the text of this message to Prime Minister Churchill, asking him for suggestions as to a reply. The Prime Minister replied that the British Government did not believe Chiang’s estimate of the situation correct and expressed the desire that Chiang be persuaded to cease activities as to India and that Roosevelt should not permit pressure to be put on the British Government. President Roosevelt then informed Chiang of British opposition to suggestions from other members of the United Nations as to India and added that under the circumstances it would be wiser for Chiang and himself not to take the mediatory action Chiang, had proposed.
The correspondence referred to above is not printed in this volume but is reserved for publication with other papers regarding India in the regular annual volumes for 1942.]