Memorandum by the Adviser on Political Relations (Hornbeck) to the Under Secretary of State (Welles)
Mr. Welles: Reference, New Delhi’s telegram 187, April 16, 3:00 p.m. Officers of the Department concerned especially with Far Eastern affairs have been observing this situation very carefully and with great concern. We have had only fragmentary information regarding the operations of the Army ferry command: what we have had, however, has been distressing, and the record of deliveries (or non-deliveries) in China is clear evidence that the efforts of that command have not been effective so far as getting the goods to China is concerned. We know much, however, regarding the efficiency and the effectiveness of Pan American and its associate, China National Airways: we can testify that for a long time and in the midst of many difficulties they have done miracles in “delivering the goods”.
We believe that the President would wish, before giving serious consideration to the recommendations made in the telegram to have the statements of fact checked against the records here (in Washington). Dr. Currie is perhaps better prepared than any other one person available to make such a check. We suggest that a copy of this telegram be sent immediately to Dr. Currie or that it be suggested to the President that he ask Dr. Currie to make the desired checkup immediately.